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Sindi Dayanna

Sindi Dayanna

Regular price €18,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,00 EUR
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Copan, Honduras

Process: Macerated Natural 72H
Variety: Red Catuai
Altitude: 1300 - 1450 masl
Flavor: Dark chocolate milkshake, roasted hazelnut, rum

The farm is located on the slopes of Honduras’s second highest mountain Erapuca. The land is fertile and soil quality is excellent. The mountain’s peak reaches 2,255 meters above sea level. Finca Altos de Erapuca is a big farm - there are 264 hectares of protected rainforest, and upon 24 hectares there is an abundance of Catuai.

The owner Carlos Efrain Paz Sevilla believes he must protect the land for future generations and has made the brave step of running the farm in compliance with organic production rules and methods. The farm is now both Rainforest Alliance and Organically certified.

There is a house for permanent staff on the farm which is powered by solar energy but other than this the farm is all natural rainforest, with only a small area devoted to coffee. Following careful red cherry selection by specially trained pickers, the post-harvest operations of washing, drying and milling take place further down the mountain.


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